AlpacaHill is Thailand's first and only alpaca breeding farm. With over 250 rai of land in Suanpung Ratchaburi.
The alpacas were able to enjoy as much space as they wish which resembles their natural living habitant. With a team of professionals and vets, they are able to offer the finest and largest selection of alpacas in Thailand. They also offer the public a chance to be close-up with these gentle animals 3 days a week.
Back in 2010, Major.M.R. Biranubongse Bhanubandh fell in love with these creatures at first sight during a vacation holiday in Peru. He was determined to bring them back for everyone here in Thailand to enjoy. After years of research and hard work, he was able to bring the first batch of 36 alpacas to Thailand in early 2012 from Australia.
AlpacaHill offer an unforgettable experience for all ages to be close-up with exotic animals; where you can feed, cuddle, and pat a wide variety of friendly animals including Alpacas, Wallabies, Flemish Giants, Rabbits and much more.